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New Year, New Me… Not Quite.

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I don’t tend to do New Year’s Resolutions as I never stick to them. By the middle of January, I’m eating crap and back to smoking etc… I’m very weak like that.

This year, I’ve looked back on the writing side of my life and while I’m proud of what I’ve achieved this year, it’s nowhere near what I wanted to get done. I have a couple of series’ that are sitting, unfinished, and a million and one plot bunnies in various state of the ‘idea’ stage.

So, my goals are:

1 – Spend less time on Social Media, scrolling through my newsfeed of memes and cat videos. I need to learn how to switch of, even if it’s only for an hour or so.

2 – Sprints. I used 10 minute sprints to get words down. It’s so much easier to edits a full page rather than an empty one. I just need to do them more and be consistent in how I manage my time to complete them.

3 – Write a minimum of 1-2,000 words per day. Naturally, some days will be less or more, so this as an average should be just about right.

4 – Finish the books I have started before starting anything new. And concentrate on ONE book at a time. No more doc hopping for this gal!

I think these are reasonable and achievable. I don’t want to overload myself and then do nothing all year, scrambling to get books finished and getting disappointed in myself.

I’ll be tracking words written throughout the year, and I’ve bought some amazing handy journals and a diary to keep me motivated. I just need to work out a treat for myself every time I finish  project. It needs to be something worthwhile… I may need to stew on that one.

Hopefully 2020 will bring new and exciting things from me, and I hope my readers love them as much as I do.

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