Well, I had plans to finish my Ladz series before attempting to finish my Trifecta series – both of which are only one book down. Then, another idea popped into my head.
If you follow me over on Facebook, you may have seen that in 12 days, I wrote a 40,000 word book. I don’t know where it came from or what even inspired it, but it was there. It’s an NA Rockstar romance and is the first of 3 planned books – notice I said ‘planned’

That book is now with beta readers and will be going off to an amazing editor once I get feedback.
Here’s the blurb for more info:
Ash Kane knows he’s a disappointment to his parents for not going to college. Instead, he splits his time between his band and busking outside a coffee house in Los Angeles. The cute part-time barista is just an added bonus.
When he finds out she hates the 90s alt rock he plays on the street, he makes a point of playing even more to get a reaction out of her, and relishes in her distaste.
When his band needs a new rehearsal space, they take over Camille Rogers’ dad’s disused garage which she isn’t completely unhappy about, even if it means she needs to make more excuses to visit her dad and younger brother. The cute lead singer of the band in the garage is just an added bonus.
The cover will be revealed at the beginning of November.