Most people think “ewww, Monday”, so Kyra Lennon and Clare Dugmore thought of a great way to brighten up our Mondays.
The aim of the challenge is on June 12 (today) those taking part post their lists of things that make them smile/ make them happy/ cheer them up when things are crappy. The obvious things like family, friends etc. are excluded. What we’re looking for is the little, almost trivial things, that brighten your day.
Here’s my list of things that make me smile:
1: Louis Tomlinson

This is a bit of a double edged sword because he’s so pretty and small, but I hate him for being all of those things. So, whenever he posts on Instagram, I smile and die a little bit inside. It’s hard being a fangirl sometimes!
2: Shadowhunters

Again, fangirl issues. The books and the TV show are literally an obsession for me, and Netflix enables it but giving us a new episode every Tuesday. One that myself and a few friends analyse in minute detail until the following week. Then, the Shadowhunters official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram post multiple times a day – teasers for the following week, BTS photos, and snippets of episodes aired… It’s tough, but oh so good!
3: Books

Whether it’s reading them, collecting them, writing them, or talking about them, books will always be my escape. If life is getting me down, I will pick up an old favourite that I know will make me smile and laugh. There are also books that make me cry and rage, but I still love them just as much. I’m slowly running out of space in my house for the books I keep buying, and my Kindle is filling up, but I will be buying books until my dying day!
4: Music

Music In The Heart
My music taste is rather eclectic, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My writing playlist on Spotify goes from One Direction, to Oasis, to The Dubliners, to Linkin’ Park. I literally listen to anything and everything (Not a huge fan of metal or gangster rap though). If I’m in a specific mood, I listen to certain tracks, but if I just want to get the inspiration going, I put a mix on.
5: Alone time

time for me concept clock closeup on white background with red and black words
I love my family and friends, but every now and then I need space to be alone. To just be me. This is when I curl up on the sofa, crack open a good book, and listen to music. I can sit for hours doing nothing, but by the end of it, I feel pretty accomplished. It saves my sanity when real life gets a bit overbearing, yet it cemets the pleasure I have in the choices I have made in my life so far.
So, these are just a few things that make me smile. I’d love to hear yours!