Well… I haven’t done any writing or promo for at least 2 weeks. I had a couple of days where I truly felt as if I simply couldn’t do it anymore.
It started when my USB that holds all my writing malfunction and deleted EVERYTHING. I wasn’t impressed, but a friend’s brother managed to rescue my files. That hit me like a brick and then I got to wondering if it was in fact a bit of a blessing. I was feeling so disinterested and disillusioned that nearly deleted the whole lot and called it a day.
That’s when i realised I needed to completely step away for a while. It’s been just over 2 weeks and I finally feel that it’s time to get back on the horse, so to speak. I hate feeling that way, but it happens to us all and it’s not a good idea, for me at least, to force my way through it otherwise I WILL just stop.
I also have a maths exam to revise for which will be my main priority for the next 2 weeks, but whenever take a break, I will write or edit or promote myself and the other RenRom authors.
So… here I am. Kinda.
Don’t forget, I’ll be posting all sorts of things over on Facebook, so pop over and say “hi”.
