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C is for…

Day 3, and I’m already playing catch up. I suck at advance organisation!

I feel a bit guilty, because while I stole my A-Z list from Clare Dugmore, she’s also written about celebrity crushes today. Go check her post out!

When I do online interviews, one of the most common questions I’m asked is “Where do you get your inspiration from?” You can take this question a couple of ways – story ideas, setting, plot twists, even genre, but today I’m discussing the inspiration behind my characters – specifically, my male characters.

We all have celebrity crushes. Some we’re open about, and others are a guilty secret. I have a few, and none I bother getting embarrassed about anymore. I’m too old, and quite frankly, I don’t care anymore 🙂

Anyone who knows me, personally or online, knows about my… let’s call it a fascination… with Jackson Rathbone. Ever since I watched Twilight (and read the books), I was smitten with the character of Jasper Hale (I tend to have a thing for secondary characters).

When I wrote It Started in Texas, Jackson was Gage. Even now, when I read anything back, I can only ever picture Jackson. I’ve made no secret of that even though I know other readers see a different picture in their head.

Zac Levi – Super spy and thief – When I wrote The One That Got Away, it was originally a Twilight fanfiction. It was around 4,000 words long, and it was centered around the scene in the alleyway (If you haven’t read the book yet, don’t say I didn’t warn you), but when I decided I wanted to rework it, I needed to change up my characters, a lot. Zac was kinda in the back of my mind when I was writing about Shane. Not just his looks, but his proud nerdy side (Check out how nerdy Zac can get via Nerd HQ). I gave Shane the occupation I did to show that while he’s a lad’s lad, and a bit of a party boy, he can also be quite serious about stuff.

This is my latest celeb crush, and I already know he will be inspiring a male character soon. Not for how he looks, but as mentioned in my A is for… post on the 1st April, it’s his unique quirk.

I want a character with eyes like this – they may not be the same colour, but I WILL have a character with Sectoral Heterchromia. I doubt it’ll even be central to the plot of the story, but I can’t pass this up.

While my celeb crushes are varied (I haven’t mentioned the ones that are FAR too young for me), there is nearly always something about them that ends up in one of my books.

My main celeb girl crush, and I’ll never attempt to write her as a character because she’s simply too gorgeous, is Scarlet Johanssen – particularly as Black Widow in the Marvel films. I simply couldn’t write a character as badass as Natasha Romanov, and that saddens me!

So… who’s your celeb crush? Leave a comment and I may admit the one I get judged about the most!


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