I finally succumbed to an “author blog”… I wasn’t planning on having one as I was happy with my FBpage and my Twitter account (@mbfeeneyauthor)- Tumblr is a bit of a non starter… – but then I realised I could do slightly more nifty things on a blog than on any of those… so here I am.
As I write this, I am currently unpublished, but with a novella in the process of being released around 11 Dec 2012 with Renaissance Romance Publishing. All I can say is that it’s called “Right Click, Love” and (hopefully) is a humourus look at dating in London in a technological world. Once I can say more, I certainly will.
Until then, I am working on plenty of projects. One is another novella length piece that was inspired by movies and their perfect (and somewhat predictable) storylines. I have also signed up to take part in NaNoWriMo this year, so hopefully I’ll have a full length novel (or almost) under my belt by the end of November. I am currently planning and fine tuning this project. Hope to see you here again soon.