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Second City Signing Spotlight – K. B. Mallion

As you know, I snagged a spot at the Second City Signing in Birmingham, UK in July 2015. I decided it would be great to get to know all the other confirmed authors who will be appearing at the event with me.

I hope everyone will share these posts around and comment on them, wishing each author well. Maybe even some of you will come along to the event to meet us all in person.

Up this week is…. K. B. Mallion

A debuting erotic romance author. 

Wife, mother and friend to many.

My mind is a wondrous place to inhabit, far more interesting than the real world.

And now for the interview:

First the ‘business bit’…

1. Tell me about yourself… the usual, age, name, (penname if different – if it is different, explain your choice behind it), location.

My name is Kim Brown (Six Kids Kim to friends) I am 42 with the mind of a 20 year old! I live in Gloucestershire in the UK. My pen name is K B Mallion. The K B, is obviously my initials. However, Mallion is my great-grandmothers maiden name. She was half-french and my nan adored her and I adore my nan. I have always loved the name, so much so, I wanted to name my first daughter it but hubs didn’t like it. So it was destined to become my pen name. It is something so beautifully personal to me.

2. What genre do you predominantly write in? What drew you to that genre? 

I write erotic romance. I have tried writing without having any explicit sex scenes in but frankly, I like writing sex scenes. I love writing beautiful filth. 

3. How many books to you have on sale right now? 

None as yet, my debut novel is to be released in late October.

4. When do you plan to have your next release available? Tell me about it.

I will start writing the sequel ASAP!! Cannot wait!

5. When did you start writing? Was it for fun at first, or did you want to write for publication from day one?

I have written since a teen, mainly poems and verse. I once wrote a novel in my twenties (it will never see the light of day, it’s THAT bad) About three years ago, I joined a social network for writers called Opuss. I began writing poems and short stories again. My confidence grew enough to believe that one day, I could maybe write another story. When I got the idea for my debut novel, it literally opened the floodgates for me. Since then, I have been writing my little heart out. It is one thing to write, it is quite another to publish. I only decided in January that I wanted to be an indie author. I am so glad that I have finally decided to do it. I am absolutely loving my journey so far.

6. When you decided to write that 1st book, what motivated you to keep going?

The love for my characters. As their story developed. I wanted to see their story completed. It was a huge achievement for me. I have the attention span of a goldfish, I never thought I would write a book and really love it. Once ‘The End’ was written, I had no idea what to do next. I didn’t quite know what to do with the finished manuscript but to be honest, knowing that I wrote a WHOLE book! One that I felt truly proud of, was and still is, an incredible feeling. That feeling alone has made me want to write more.

7. Are you a planner or a pantser or a mix of both?

A planner. I plan EVERYTHING…it’s a darn curse!!!!

8. Who is the favourite character you have ever written? Why?

It has to be Jonny Riley. My suave and charismatic A lister in my debut novel. He is the first character that I fell in love with. His voice helped me write a book that for the first time, I truly believe in. For that reason, Jonny will always have a special place in my heart. We have been through a hell of a lot together. There have been many times that self doubt has made me want to run for the hills, but Jonny persisted in hounding me…he wanted his story told.

9. Where do you draw inspiration from?

Anything. Everything. Anyone!! Inspiration surrounds me everywhere. Films, TV, music, books, places and people…even myself!! All my characters are inspired by something or someone, fictional or real. 

10. What do you find hardest, naming characters or thinking of an overall title?

I would say the title. You want it to be unforgettable, just like a catchy tune.

Now for the ‘fun bit’…

1. Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands?

Hands for feet. Being a tactile person, I could touch everywhere I go. 

2. If you could have written any book, what would it be and why?

Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery. 

I adore this timeless classic. It was the first book I ever read and where I found my first ever book boyfriend, Gilbert Blythe. 

3. If you had a superpower for the day, what would it be and what would you do with it/

I think I would have a little fun with mind control. Maybe convince Jensen Ackles to spend the day with me. We could go for a ride in Montana, then have a picnic together. We could snuggle on a blanket, singing country songs.

4. If you could start on your writing journey from the beginning, would you do anything differently?

My only regret is not having the courage and confidence to do it sooner. In hindsight, I feel that I just wasn’t ready before. I always wanted to write but never dreamed I would one day do it and want to share my stories with the world….yet here I am, about to do just that! 

I believe that everything that has happened, has happened for a reason… my time is now.

5. If someone gave you an elephant to hide, where would you hide it?

In my friends barn. After voddy and cake, we could ride it in her field.

6. When writing, do you need total silence or background noise?

I light a candle and write in silence. No distractions…just my characters voices.

7. You’re having a dinner party, and can invite 5 authors (alive or dead), who do you invite and why?

I would invite L M Montgomery. I would ask, who exactly was her Gilbert Blythe?

Joining us would be Megan Keith, we can talk about Joel Turner whilst eating Tim Tams.

Emma Leech, who has written books that are so breathtakingly full of beautiful mysticism and legend, I just want to cuddle and thank her.

John Steinbeck and John Saul, to even things out with a bit of testosterone and who are also two authors I admire. Of Mice and Men is a story I read over and over as a teenager, I was fascinated by the characters. 

Liking a bit of horror, for me, John Saul hits it right on the head.

8. If you listen to music, do you have a specific CD or playlist, or do you live life on the edge and shuffle everything?

I shuffle everything. I have an eclectic taste in music. It also depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to dance around. Sometimes I want to belt out a tune. Sometimes I want to chill. I love music from the 50’s, right up to present day. 

If I like a track…I like a track…it doesn’t matter what genre it is.

9. If you could have the experience of reading a book for the first time, which would it be and why?

The Key To Erebus by Emma Leech. Her writing literally pulled me into the fantastical world where vampires, demons, dark and light fae reign. I had never read a book like it before, that is, until I read her second book, The Heart of Arima. Each and every single word carries me to a mythical and beautiful place. I have never emotionally journeyed so much when reading a book. It has a little bit of everything. Emma simply writes exquisite words…end of. 

10. Who do you fangirl over? (Doesn’t have to be an author)

Can I cheat and have two? I am always a bit of a rebel, so here goes….. My TV husband is Declan Donnelly (one half of Ant & Dec). I have adored him from the Byker Grove days. I go to BGT every year and have been to watch Saturday Night Takeaway. He is the reason why the idea for my debut novel was ever conceived, following a drunken conversation with friends on my 40th birthday. 

My second, is the gorgeous, Jensen Ackles…just because…HE IS JENSEN ACKLES….have you seen him?? *frantically fans oneself

Both of my boys would render me speechless, should I ever meet them. 


What are your top tips for aspiring writers/authors?

Write what you enjoy. Write from the heart. 

Do it every day, to develop and grow your skill. I honestly cringe at some of my writing from years ago, but I keep it all…it shows how far I have come.

As well as writing…read. Your own writing needs nourishment to thrive. There is nothing better than being immersed in another persons brilliant work. Reading is my nourishment. It not only inspires me, it relaxes me. When I am reading, I get sweet respite from my own characters that live inside of my head.

Can you tell us (and maybe tease us) about your latest WIP or next release?

A Famous Affair will be my debut novel, there will also be a sequel to follow….here’s the blurb:

Jessica Neel is a happily married, working mother who is content in life. When she literally bumps into the gorgeous, charismatic and very famous actor, Jonny Riley. Her life is thrown into a passionate and problematic affair. Her life becomes embroiled in a secret entanglement of adultery, love, lies, guilt and tragedy. Will the love for her husband and daughters be enough to resist the charms of the captivating A lister…. Jonny Riley?  

Give us all your social media links so we can all stalk you (legally and pay you money to do so)

What are you hoping to gain from attending the signing in Birmingham?

I am going to walk around in awe, covered in bruises most probably, from all of the  ‘pinch me’ moments. I am excited to be meeting my fellow authors, some of who are indeed friends already. The opportunity to meet new blogs and readers will be absolutely incredible. I am a chatty person, so to meet with people who actually want to chat with me, will be like dying and going to chatty heaven.

Thanks for taking part and I wish you lots of luck and oodles of cash at the event. See you there!

I may need a little hip flask of voddy, to calm the nerves you understand! 

It will be a pleasure to meet you my lovely.


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