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Post NaNo Blues

Well… I didn’t “win” again this year… I failed with a measly 14,285 words. I have no one to blame but myself. I’m just not disciplined enough to keep to the daily word count. On the plus side, I have 14k+ words I didn’t have at the end of October. In the new year, after the hysteria of Sugarplum Dreams being released has died down, I’m going to work through Freedom to Fly and see if I can salvage it somehow.

Feb & March are going to be writing free as I will be on my teaching practice for uni, so I have to be academic for 6 weeks (sucks, I know), but as it’s an essential part of me qualifying, I kinda need to buckle down. So, during the next few weeks, I want to try and finish my beach reads novella and promo Sugarplum Dreams. I have some other uni stuff to do after Christmas, but as I don’t have any classes in January, I will have the time to head into uni at least one day a week to get that done (and to catch up with people I have missed).

I only have a short teaser this post as I am lacking in words, but I hope you enjoy it:

His retort was swallowed by the arrival of a porter brandishing a crappy hospital wheelchair that was only capable of going backwards. What fun. Luke helped me get in and walked alongside me as the porter took us down to the x ray department. I was just starting to feel a little travel sick when he announced we arrived, parked me up in a corridor, and left us to it.

“Chatty.” Luke commented as we watched the tall figure walk away and around a corner.

“Not everyone can be as verbose as you.”

“It’s one of my many talents my mouth possesses.”

I didn’t even bother giving him the satisfaction of a response.

“You must be Miss Martin.” I looked up find yet another nurse, this one male smiling at me.

“I’m getting famous round here.” I was bored and wanted to go home. One thing I wasn’t was patient. I hated nothing more than waiting around.

“Let’s get that ankle photographed then I’ll take you back up to wait for a doctor.” Rather than just grab the chair, he actually helped me to my one good foot and supported me as I hobbled into the room. “Right, I need you to remove any jewellery you might be wearing and to ask if you’re pregnant.”

I paused in the removal of my jewellery to look at him. He shifted his weight on his feet slightly.

“Nope, not pregnant.”

“Okay good, I mean… the x ray … not good…” I heard Luke snigger from the hallway, making it clear he was listening.


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