I’m not at ‘excited’ yet. With 16 days until The One That Got Away releases (hopefully), I’m at the “I feel nervous sick” stage.
A whole bunch of what ifs are floating through my head right now.
What if it doesn’t release on time?
What if people don’t like it?
What if it doesn’t sell?
You see the common theme here?

This book has been in the making from the very beginning for about three years. It started life as fanfiction (I hear the hisses) one shot. When I decided to extend it, I thought it would be easy to change the names/descriptions before adding the rest of the story. Yeah, that’s not what happened at all. I split the original story into three chapters, then decided that the story needed t be told from both characters points of view, so I started to write Shane’s feelings on what was happening with Heidi.

Then, I stopped writing. For a long time, I just couldn’t get into the story, so I worked on other things, things that are still sitting in folders, on my computer, unfinished. Will they ever get to see publication? Honestly, I have no idea. I hope so, because when I start writing, it’s because the story interests me. It’s a story I not only want to tell, but to read myself.

Getting the cover made up helped, but it didn’t quite feel right The above image never really worked for Shane and Heidi after the reunion.It worked for their backstory, but myself and my cover designer, the amazing Grafix Momma and I went on a search. Well, she did, I was writing again. Filling in the blanks. Evenyually, the right cover was created and the story was finished. So I thought.

Three times, since finishing, I have had editors go over the manuscript, and three times there have been quite a lot of changes made. I even sent ARC copies out to a select few, before the story was fully complete. I admit, I got teary eyed over the response the story, my story, received. So, I worked my arse off to make the story the best it could possibly be.

So, now the story is in the final stages of polishing.I’m working on the acknowledgements and then it’ll go through formatting (thanks Rach), and it’ll be ready. Whenever I think about that step, I feel sick. Hopefully, over the next 16 days, I’ll start to feel excitement.
I just want my readers (all 7 of you) to enjoy this book as much as I have, mostly, writing it.