Day 1 – it’s currently 09:15pm, and I’m calling it a day. Girl and Boys is chugging away nicely.

At some point throughout the day, I’d decided that I want my own personal daily goal to be 2,000 words a day. That way, I’ll be ahead of myself if ever I need to miss a day of writing for any reason (hey, it happens. I’m a mum of kids who argue!)
Today’s word count: 2,060
Story word count: 26,206 – I’d call that a win. For now…
Now it’s time for me to put on my PJs and chill with my kindle.

Let’s hope that tomorrow is just as productive, if not more. If I manage to “win” this year, this book will end up about 75,000 words long. An actual full length novel. It’s been a while since I wrote one of those!
Also, if I win, what’s to stop me taking part in Camp Nano next year?
