A message from Kyra Lennon!
Hey guys! SO… to dive in at the deep end with blogging again, I have teamed up with Clare Dugmore to bring you a new blog/social media hop!

Why are we doing this?
I live in the UK. Over the last few months, there have been several attacks – two in London, one in Manchester, killing and seriously injuring a lot of people. All over the world, people are senselessly losing their lives, and you can barely turn on the news these days without dreading what you will see next. The world as a whole is struggling right now, and what everyone needs is something lighthearted, to remind us that there is still so much good in the world.
The Rules:
Several years ago, I created the Bloghop of Joy with Clare Dugmore. The idea behind it was for people to sign up and tell each other about the small things in their lives that always make them smile. Miles of Smiles will run along those exact same lines BUT we’re doing this all over social media. That means you can use your blog, your Facebook, your Twitter or your Instagram to share your joys.
The reason we’re opening it up is to spread this as far and wide as possible.
Things on your list of joy could be a random memory, something you see on TV, overhearing something that makes you laugh out loud – just that one thing that makes the clouds part, and the sunshine appear again.
We all know that our friends and families makes us happy – that is pretty much a given. We’re not talking about life-changing moments, just the little things that inexplicably make us smile and forget our worries for a while.
As an added thing – The British Red Cross has set up a fundraiser for the people who were affected by the attacks in the UK. The link is here. Alternatively, if you want to take this chance to donate to a charity of your choice, or if you don’t have the funds to donate, that’s okay too. This is a totally optional thing, we just thought, in light of what happened, it might be a nice thing to share. Mostly, what we care about is spreading some happiness, so we would love it if you would join us on our #MilesofSmiles mission!
All you have to do to be a part of this happy hop is sign up on the Linky List, and on June 12th, post your list of joy. If you want to join in and you don’t have a blog, just post your joys using the hashtag #MilesofSmiles on your social media posts (Facebookers using personal accounts will need to make the post public so we can find them).
To join in with a blog, sign up here: