I have decided, in my infinite wisdom, to take part in Camp Nano next month. Usually, NaNo doesn’t work for me, but I’m using Camp to work on Buses in the hopes that I can get the first draft finished!
I’m aiming at around 35,000 words to bring what I already have written to about 50,000. If I do more – YAY, if I do less, then at least I’ve written.
If you want to join me in my cabin, here’s my profile, send me a friend request (or whatever) and we can chat together and support each other. If not, hit me up on FB or Twiter 🙂
Now, here’s the very rough synopsis and a teaser for what I’m working on next month:
London in the mid 90s. no mobile phones, no mainstream internet, and some great music. Against this backdrop, follow university student Jack and his mechanic best friend Andy as they work out what and who they want in life.
Ruth’s new to the Big Smoke and has never felt more at home. Her path crosses with the best friends, but will a chance meeting be the start of something good or will it lead to her first taste of heartbreak?
My plan for the summer is to get Buses finished (with the help of Camp as I’ve said), to get the next novella (if not next two) in the Exchange Series written, and to make a start on the mammoth job that is reworking an already complete story. It’s standing at around 78,000 at the moment, but that figure will fluctuate like crazy until I’ve finished. I’m also keeping schtum on this project until I’m working on it, because I don’t want to talk myself out of it.
Rather than answer me, he threw my car keys across the small room at me. “Man. You are my hero.”
“Awww, honey. You say the sweetest things.”
“Fuck off.” I grinned at the feel of my car keys in my hand as I watched him gather his things. “Where you off to?”
“Meeting a chick I got chatting to before your headache meltdown.”
“Mate, we’re not in the eighties anymore. Stop calling women chicks.”
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, this Emily’s fucking stunning, and I’m hoping she’s stunning at fucking.” My best friend was a complete letch.
“You have such a way with words. Just don’t wake me up again. I don’t appreciate listening to ‘ooh yeah, right there’ for about two hours.”
“You’re just jealous of my sexual prowess. Maybe if you worked harder at satisfying a woman, you’d enjoy the screamers. And you’d last longer too”
“I’ve not had any complaints about satisfying a woman, never mind how long I ‘last’. Now, piss off and leave me alone to watch a video.” Laughing, he walked out, slamming the front door behind him.
This is slated as a romance, but the main story is about the friendship between Andy and Jack… I love these boys and some of my pre readers have already picked a team. What about you? Just from this excerpt, who’s team do you think you might be on?
