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Have a Merry Christmas

First of all, I want to wish everyone a wonderfully merry Christmas filled with plenty of food, alcohol, family, friends and laughter. I will be spending two days with my parents, my other half, my kids and the dog, so I’ll have the above in plenty.

Once the celebrations are out of the way, I am hoping to get back into writing as I haven’t done any for over a week which I hate. I have a novella to finish to submit to the ladies at RenRom for their Beach reads Open Call as well as pulling my NaNo attempt from this year apart and building it up into something halfway decent.

February and March will be a bit thin on the ground with writing as I will be on Teaching Practice as part of my uni course and every spare minute will be spent planning and evaluating lessons as well as being in a school full time. I’m nervous, but looking forward to it. (I just hope I get a good school). It’s what I’m planning to do with the rest of my life, so I may as well get the practice in.

I have lived out one of my ultimate dreams this year… far sooner than I had ever planned, hoped, or even imagined. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends who knew I was possibly planning to submit, the WONDERFUL ladies over at RenRom and once I finally announced I had signed that contract, my family. I would never have coped with the process and made it through in one piece (even if I don’t have any nails left – and a few more grey hairs). They have become my extended family and I love them ALL to bits.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has bought either Right Click, Love or Sugarplum Dreams. Your support has been amazing, even if you don’t plan on reading it as it’s not your genre, the fact that you have stood behind me (and the others involved) means the world to me.

I just hope my ‘career’ as an author spans more than one novella. I need to pull my finger out and stop being so easily distrac- ooh, shiny.


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