Yay, day 2 and I’m a little ahead of myself… have I just jinxed myself? We shall see.

Friends – to – lovers are some of my favourite romance books. The dynamics of friends and lovers are two completely different things, and when it’s done well, it can be an amazing story. Add MC’s that were Best friends into the mix and it can very quickly become a 5* read for me.
Best friends, especially those who have been friends for years, can be amazing. Writing about platonic friends can be fun as they tend to have so many ‘in’ jokes and a wide shared history. The dialogue can be brilliant, and you have a lot of freedom because these characters know just what buttons to push to get a reaction without taking it that step too far. So, what happens when one of them falls in love with the other? This is a person they know almost as well, if not better, than themselves and they can’t begin to picture themselves with anyone else. They get jealous of new boyfriends/girlfriends because of the time they get to spend with their friend.
Most friends who love their best friend have this internal battle about whether a relationship will ruin their friendship or not. That aspect can be absolutely fascinating to write and read. The war within one person can be hard to fight, especially if they’re scared to tell the other person how they feel. Sometimes they do and it’s wonderful, sometimes it falls apart, and sometimes they keep it to themselves for forever. There’s no hard and fast rule to writing about best friends.
Also, sometimes best friends are just that, and nothing more.
Comment below and give a shout out to your best friend. Mine’s the amazing Sarah. She’s my sounding board, my concert buddy, and my parabatai (yes, a book reference, go me). I would be without her.