It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Nano2016 was another fail, but I beat my personal bet. I managed to write 42,483 words, this included finishing the WIP I had been working on – Girls and Boys, a novel set in 1990s London – and starting a novella linked to the novel. While I’m disappointed to not have ‘won’ at Nano yet again, I am so proud that I didn’t give up halfway through week one and I finished a first draft.
Since the end of November, I have had shorts released as part of boxsets. These sets were released by Papergold Publishing and if you check out the books page, you can find the buy links for them both. They are only available on Amazon as an ebook. I’ll share the covers and the blurbs for each of my shorts:
Mile High: Part of the Pleasure Me boxset – Erotica and steamy romance
When Taryn Caine was assigned a long haul flight on a private jet hired by Blazed, the hottest new band around, she never expected to end up screwing the lead vocalist, Max Reeves.
Max certainly rubbed Taryn up the wrong way from the moment he stepped foot on the jet, but can he rub her the ‘right’ way by the end of it?

Cover Created as always by The Graphics Shed
I’m pleased to announce that this short has been picked up by Papergold Publishing as part of their new 18+ imprint Liquid Gold. I don’t have any details of release just yet, but as soon as I know, you’ll know.
While You Were Asleep: Part of The Winter Wishes boxset – heartwarming tales set during winter and around Christmas
When Jared Keating is admitted into hospital after being beaten up and left for dead, his family and friends wait for him to wake up. In the hopes he can hear them, they all spend a little time with him, recalling memories of good times with him, letting him know that they can’t live without him in their lives.
Anger and sadness overwhelm them when they come face to face with the reason Jared is in a coma, but they soon understand that no one is to blame other than his ruthless attackers.
Will he wake up? Will he still be ‘Jared’ if he does?

Cover Created as always by The Graphics Shed
I shall probably be self publishing this once the boxset is dissolved, but I am undecided for now. Again, I’ll let people know once I decide.
Also, I have been confirmed as an author at an Hourglass event in 2018. It’s in March in Leeds. If you keep an eye on my events page, I’ll update details as and when I have them. I’m hoping to have a deposit paid for a 2nd event in 2018 in Birmingham, but that will have to wait until the new year as I need to pay for Christmas first… You may not have realised that I had to withdraw from the Titanic signing in Belfast. I’d looked through everything I had committed myself to and realised that I simply couldn’t afford it, so unfortunately I had to pull out. Hopefully, I’ll be able to attend as a reader and I wish everyone the best with it.
My plan for 2017 is to finish all the WIPs I have started. I would like to get them finished and edited so I can release as and when I am ready, keeping up a consistent release schedule. I have offered Papergold first refusal on anything new I release, but I will still be self publishing also. I’d like to have a good mix of indie and traditional works on the market.
Another thing I shall be working on improving, is sending out regular newsletters. If you’re interested, subscribe here.
So, I guess I best get writing and finish some more manuscripts.