Hi all,
I thought I’d write this post to keep you updated on what’s going on in my crazy life (I post on Facebook, but it’s bitty and can be all over the place)
Firstly, I have set up a form for you to subscribe to a newsletter I am working on sending out no more than once a month. If you’re interested in receiving the newsletter, click on the quill in the top right corner of this blog. (Just in case you’re not at a laptop or a PC, HERE’S the link.) I’m aiming for the first to be compiled and sent out after the signing next month (Liverpool, UK, 18/19 March 2016). Check out the events page for more details on this – I hope to see you there. – I am trying to work out if I can have the newsletter post on here as well as being emailed out. . . if anyone knows how to do this, let me know 🙂

It Started in Texas –
When I released it, I kept it exclusive to Amazon via KDP Select. I have now decided that once that expires, i will be uploading it to other platforms including Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks. This should happen within the next two weeks, and once I have links, I will be sharing them over on Facebook and on the Books page of this blog.

Valentine’s Day Anthology –
As you know, I have co authored a short with the wonderful L. J. Harris for a charity anthology which will be released on Valentine’s Day (4 days to go people!) We have been friends for years, and she is a wonderful Aussie author. This is her first foray into publishing a M/F book – not the last might I add – and she is just fantastic. have you pre ordered yet? If not, why not?
Get your copy NOW for only 0.99. All the royalties will be going to a wonderful charity based here in the UK. The British heart Foundation which strives to help people prevent heart disease which is one of the biggest killers in the UK.

Gage’s POV –
If you follow me over on Facebook, you’ll be aware that I have been working on an accompanying novella to Texas. I can officially announce that the title is . . . Looking Back from L.A.
It’s not a complete retell of the original story from Gage’s POV (I HATE those), but there will be some overlap, but mostly, it’s Gage’s thoughts on some of the more important aspects of his and Charlotte’s relationship, with a few extra bits added in.
I finished the first draft today and sent that over to the amazing R. E. Hargrave for editing. I’m hoping it’ll only need a polish *fingers crossed* and then I can get to formatting it, ready for the pre order to go live.
This will be happening around the time of the Liverpool signing (hopefully), and I am planning on the book itself to go live at the end of March – across multiple platforms straight away.
I am starting to gather information for anyone who would be interested in receiving an ARC copy. If you would like one, please fill out this FORM.

Other than these news updates, I have a few more projects planned for this year, some larger than others, that I will keep you updated about as much as I can. I really want to get more, quality releases out for you all.
Now for the cheeky bit.
If you have read any of my books, please consider posting a review either on Goodreads and/or Amazon (it doesn’t have to be essay length and in depth). Good or bad reviews count. I know I’ve said it before, but reviews of all ratings give authors the feedback they need to be continually improving. If readers don’t let us know if they like/dislike something, we don’t know how to get better. At the end of the day, we write for our readers, and we want to always improve to impress. We can’t do this if you don’t review.

That’s everything from me. If you have any burning questions, don’t hesitate to message me on my Facebook page or via email to mbfeeneyauthor@gmail.