Well, it’s day 1 and I’m already behind, so let’s see how I get on. Just a warning… I may not be able to contain my posts to books, but that’s ok, right?

If there’s one thing I hate in books (and films and TV shows) is insta-love. Yes, attraction can be intense, we’ve all felt it, but is insta-love a real thing?
I know people who believe in love at first sight, and if it’ happened to them I’m pleased for them. Personally, I don’t. I believe in lust at first sight. You know, when you walk into a party, or a club, or an ice rink and spot someone that just by from how they hold themselves, walk, smile… you want to get to know them better. In that split second moment, you are undeniably attracted to that person.
So, you go over, introduce yourself – now here’s where things can get tricky.
Option A – Person you admired from afar is wonderful. You spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing and by the end of the night (or the next morning, depends how lucky or drunk you are), you realise that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. They are THE ONE. That’s wonderful, all systems go, and have at it
Option B – Person who caught your eye turns out to a complete loser. They end up spending the entire time talking about themselves, their ex, or worse, talking down to you. You end up making an excuse to get away from them and end up spending the rest of the evening hiding from them the way Herminone runs away from Cormac McLaggen in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Let’s be honest, we’ve all experience both of these scenarios, but what does that have to do with a romance novel?
A lot of books follow the “Oh my god s/he is gorgeous, I love them” vein of story. And while it works for a lot of stories, after a while it gets old… fast. Or so i think anyway. Yes, you can have a connection to someone as soon as you meet them, yes you can be highly turned on by them, and yes, you can want to sleep with them, but is it love? Honestly, I doubt it.
In my books, the attraction between my main characters is always there from the start (Except in Just Like in the Movies – Ava hated Morgan from the get go, despite how good looking he is). I like writing the chase and the build up to a relationship. It’s that and the getting to know one another I love to write about.
So, what’s your favourite thing about attraction in books? The chase, the build up, or insta-love. Please, leave me a comment and tell me, I’m honestly interested.